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audioclass.models #

Module for defining and providing audio classification models.

This module establishes the core interface for audio classification models within the audioclass library. It defines the ClipClassificationModel abstract base class, which serves as a blueprint for creating different model implementations (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.). This ensures consistency in how models are used and integrated into audio classification workflows.

The module also provides concrete implementations of audio classification models, allowing users to directly apply them to their audio data. These models adhere to the standardized interface defined by the ClipClassificationModel class, making them easy to use and interchangeable within the library.

Additionally, this module defines the ModelOutput namedtuple, specifying the standard format for the output produced by audio classification models. This ensures that all models within the library produce results in a consistent and predictable way, facilitating further analysis and post-processing.

Model Types#
