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Usage Guide#


audioclass is a Python library designed to simplify audio classification tasks using machine learning. It provides a standardized interface for working with various audio classification models, regardless of their underlying implementation. audioclass streamlines the process of loading, preprocessing, and analyzing audio data, enabling easy integration with diverse machine learning models and making audio classification more accessible.

Model List#

audioclass includes built-in support for two popular audio classification models:

  • BirdNET: A TensorFlow Lite model specifically designed for bird sound classification. BirdNET can identify a wide range of bird species and is suitable for biodiversity monitoring and ecological research.

  • BirdNETAnalyzer: A TensorFlow-based model designed for bird sound classification, offering potential GPU acceleration. BirdNETAnalyzer provides a similar functionality to the existing BirdNET model but is optimized for scenarios where computational resources are abundant and inference speed is a priority.

  • Perch: A TensorFlow Hub model developed by Google Research for bird sound classification. Perch is trained on a large dataset of bird vocalizations and is known for its quality embeddings.

Using the Models#

Working with audio classification models in audioclass is simple and intuitive. All models share a consistent interface, making it easy to switch between them without significant code changes.

You have several options for processing audio data, depending on your starting point. Let's look at how you can process audio data using the BirdNET model:

from audioclass.models.birdnet import BirdNET
from soundevent import data

model = BirdNET.load()
recording = data.Recording.from_file("path/to/your/audio.wav")
predictions = model.process_recording(recording)

# Explore predictions
for clip_prediction in predictions:

In addition to processing whole recordings, audioclass offers flexibility to work with different types of audio data:

Process a File Directly#

If you don't need the extra information from a Recording object, you can pass the file path directly:

predictions = model.process_file("path/to/your/audio.wav")

Process a Clip#

Isolate a specific segment of a recording for analysis:

clip = data.Clip(start_time=10, end_time=20, recording=recording)
predictions = model.process_clip(clip)

Process Raw Audio Data#

For maximum control, work with raw audio arrays (NumPy arrays):

import numpy as np
raw_audio = np.random.randn(44100)  # Random audio (replace with your data)
predictions = model.process_array(raw_audio)

Interchangeable Models:#

All models in audioclass adhere to the same interface, making it effortless to switch between them:

from audioclass.models.perch import Perch  # Switch to the Perch model

model = Perch.load()
# ... the rest of your code remains the same!

Model Attributes#

Each model provides essential information through its attributes:

  • model.samplerate: The sample rate the model expects (e.g., 48000 Hz for BirdNET).
  • model.input_samples: The number of samples per audio frame the model requires.
  • model.tags: The labels the model can predict.

Model Outputs#

audioclass models provide results as a list of ClipPrediction objects from the [soundevent][soundevent] library. These objects offer a convenient, standardized way to access predictions and features for each audio clip processed.

What's Inside a ClipPrediction?#

Each ClipPrediction object holds essential information:

  • Clip Details:
  • The clip attribute provides the audio clip's start and end times within the original recording.
  • The recording attribute gives you access to details about the original recording (e.g., location, date, etc.).
  • Predicted Tags: The tags attribute is a list of PredictedTag objects, each representing a class label the model thinks is present in the clip. Each PredictedTag has:
  • A tag attribute for the class label.
  • A score attribute indicating the model's confidence in that label (typically a probability between 0 and 1).
  • Extracted Features: The features attribute contains a list of Feature objects, representing numerical representations extracted from the audio by the model. These features can be used for further analysis, clustering, or even as input for other machine learning tasks.

Working with ClipPrediction#

outputs = model.process_recording(recording)

clip_prediction = outputs[0] # access the 1st prediction

# Get the audio clip information
clip = clip_prediction.clip
recording = clip.recording
start_time = clip.start_time
end_time = clip.end_time

# Access predicted tags
for predicted_tag in clip_prediction.tags:
    tag = predicted_tag.tag
    score = predicted_tag.score
    print(f"The tag '{tag}' was predicted to be present in the clip with {score:.2f} confidence.")

# Access extracted features
for feature in clip_prediction.features:
    print(f"Extracted feature: {} - {feature.value}")

As mentioned, the soundevent package gives a convenient way of working with model outputs. For a full description of these objects please refer to the soundevent documentation.

Batch Processing#

Working with large audio datasets? audioclass provides efficient batch processing through specialized iterators. These iterators handle the loading, preprocessing, and batching of your audio recordings, allowing you to focus on analysis.

SimpleIterator: Your Starting Point#

The SimpleIterator is a great option for getting started with batch processing:

from audioclass.models.birdnet import BirdNET
from audioclass.batch import SimpleIterator
from soundevent import data

model = BirdNET.load()
recordings = ...  # Load a list of soundevent Recording objects
iterable = SimpleIterator(
predictions = model.process_iterable(iterable)

More Flexibility with Data Sources#

SimpleIterator can handle more than just lists of Recording objects. You can easily create an iterator from:

  • A list of file paths:
list_of_files = ["path/to/file1.wav", "path/to/file2.wav", "path/to/file3.wav"]
iterable = SimpleIterator.from_files(
  • An audio directory: (Recursively searches for audio files)
audio_directory = "path/to/directory"
iterable = SimpleIterator.from_directory(
  • A pandas DataFrame:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({"path": list_of_files, "latitude": [0, 1, 2], "longitude": [3, 4, 5]})  # Example DataFrame
iterable = SimpleIterator.from_dataframe(

Alternative Iterators:

While SimpleIterator is convenient, audioclass offers other iterators tailored for specific needs:

  • TFDatasetIterator: Leverages TensorFlow Datasets for enhanced performance on large datasets and parallel processing.

For further details and usage examples, consult the reference documentation.

What's Next?#

To unlock the full potential of audioclass, dive into its reference documentation and explore:

  • Base Interfaces: The ClipClassificationModel class and ModelOutput structure provide the foundation for building custom models and working with predictions.
  • Preprocessing and Postprocessing: Learn how to preprocess your audio data and convert model outputs into formats suitable for your analysis.
  • Extending audioclass: Discover how to create your own custom models or batch iterators to fit your specific audio classification needs.