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Computing spectrograms#

After audio loading one of the most common operations within audio analysis is to compute spectral representations of the audio signal. These attempt to describe the signal in terms of its frequency content over time.

The most common spectral representation is the spectrogram. This is a two-dimensional representation of the signal that shows the frequency content of the signal over time. The spectrogram is computed by taking the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) of the signal.

Here we will show how to compute spectrograms using the audio.compute_spectrogram function.

First, we will load a recording. We will use the the example recording from the (audio loading tutorial)[audio_loading].

from soundevent import arrays, audio, data

recording = data.Recording.from_file("sample_audio.wav")
wave = audio.load_recording(recording)


<xarray.DataArray (time: 66150, channel: 1)> Size: 529kB
array([[ 9.15527344e-05],
       [ 2.13623047e-04],
       [ 0.00000000e+00],
  * time     (time) float64 529kB 0.0 4.535e-05 9.07e-05 ... 3.0 3.0 3.0
  * channel  (channel) int64 8B 0
    recording_id:   0447209e-7e98-4a51-a1c0-8dc9dcc552b3
    path:           sample_audio.wav
    units:          V
    standard_name:  amplitude
    long_name:      Amplitude

Next, we will compute the spectrogram. Notice the spectrogram parameters are specified in terms of time, not samples. This is to facilitate working with audio signals that have different sample rates.

spectrogram = audio.compute_spectrogram(


<xarray.DataArray (frequency: 706, time: 95, channel: 1)> Size: 537kB




  * frequency  (frequency) float64 6kB 0.0 15.63 31.25 ... 1.1e+04 1.102e+04
  * time       (time) float64 760B 0.0 0.03202 0.06404 ... 2.946 2.978 3.01
  * channel    (channel) int64 8B 0
    recording_id:   0447209e-7e98-4a51-a1c0-8dc9dcc552b3
    path:           sample_audio.wav
    units:          V**2/Hz
    standard_name:  spectrogram
    long_name:      Power Spectral Density
    window_size:    0.064
    hop_size:       0.032
    window_type:    hann

Notice that the spectrogram is a three-dimensional xarray.DataArray. The first dimension is frequency, the second is time, and the third is channel. The spectrogram is computed separately for each channel of the audio signal.

One of the nice things about using xarray is that it allows us to easily plot the spectrogram using the built-in plotting functions.


channel = 0


<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at 0x7feb187fa1d0>

The initial plot is hard to interpret due to the linear scale. Decibels (dB) are more perceptually relevant for sound. Let's convert it to decibels using the arrays.to_db function.

spectrogram_db = arrays.to_db(spectrogram)

channel = 0


<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at 0x7feb33ed0550>

This is much better! We can now clearly see the frequency content evolving over time.

To make subtle details even more apparent, we can apply a de-noising technique like PCEN (Per-Channel Energy Normalization). PCEN helps reduce background noise and enhance the target sounds. We can apply PCEN using the audio.pcen function.

pcen = audio.pcen(spectrogram)
pcen_db = arrays.to_db(pcen)

channel = 0


<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at 0x7feb340de850>

In this case the PCEN transformation has not made a huge difference, but it can be very useful in other cases.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.606 seconds) Estimated memory usage: 53 MB

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