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Data Module#

Basic Models# #

Data Module.


Name Description

Information about a user.


A term class for a standardised term.


Tag Class.


Feature Class.


Note Class.


Represents an audio recording in bioacoustic research.


Sound Event Class.


Sequence Class.


Clip Class.


Annotation Class.


A class representing the annotations of a sequence.


Clip Annotations Class.


Annotation State Enumeration.


Annotation Status Badge Class.


Annotation Set Class.


Annotation Project Class.


Predicted Tag Class.


Predicted Sound Event Class.


A class representing a sequence prediction.


Clip Prediction.


ModelRun Class.


Evaluation Set Class.


Match Class.


Evaluated example model.


Evaluation Class.


User #

Bases: BaseModel

Information about a user.


Name Type Description
email Optional[EmailStr]
institution Optional[str]
name Optional[str]
username Optional[str]
uuid UUID
email: Optional[EmailStr] = Field(None, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
institution: Optional[str] = Field(None, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes=True) class-attribute instance-attribute #
name: Optional[str] = Field(None, repr=True) class-attribute instance-attribute #
username: Optional[str] = Field(None, repr=True) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Term #

Bases: BaseModel

A term class for a standardised term.


Name Type Description
comment Optional[str]
definition str
description Optional[str]
domain Optional[str]
domain_includes Optional[str]
equivalent_property Optional[str]
instance_of Optional[str]
label str
member_of Optional[str]
name str
range_includes Optional[str]
scope_note Optional[str]
see Optional[str]
subclass_of Optional[str]
subproperty_of Optional[str]
term_range Optional[str]
type_of_term str
uri Optional[str]
comment: Optional[str] = Field(serialization_alias='rdfs:comment', default=None, title='Comment', description='Additional information about the term or its application.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
definition: str = Field(serialization_alias='skos:definition', title='Definition', description='The type of term: property, class, datatype, or vocabulary encoding scheme.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
description: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='dcterms:description', title='Description', description='An account of the resource.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
domain: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='rdfs:domain', title='Domain', description='A class of which a resource described by the term is an instance.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
domain_includes: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='dcam:domainIncludes', title='Domain Includes', description='A suggested class for subjects of this property.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
equivalent_property: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='owl:equivalentProperty', title='Equivalent Property', description='A property to which the described term is equivalent.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
instance_of: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='instanceOf', title='Instance Of', description='A class of which the described term is an instance.', repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
label: str = Field(serialization_alias='rdfs:label', title='Label', description='The human-readable label assigned to the term.', repr=True, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
member_of: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='dcam:memberOf', title='Member Of', description='A collection of which the described term is a member.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
model_config = ConfigDict(frozen=True, extra='allow') class-attribute instance-attribute #
name: str = Field(title='Name', description='A token appended to the URI of a DCMI namespace to create the URI of the term.', repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
range_includes: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='dcam:rangeIncludes', title='Range Includes', description='A suggested class for values of this property.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
scope_note: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='skos:scopeNote', title='Scope Note', description='A note that helps to clarify the meaning and/or the use of a concept.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
see: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='rdsf:seeAlso', title='See', description='Authoritative documentation related to the term.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
subclass_of: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='rdfs:subclassOf', title='Subclass Of', description='A class of which the described term is a sub-class.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
subproperty_of: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='rdfs:subpropertyOf', title='Subproperty Of', description='A property of which the described term is a sub-property.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
term_range: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='rdfs:range', alias='range', title='Range', description='A class of which a value described by the term is an instance.', json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
type_of_term: str = Field(serialization_alias='dcterms:type', default='property', alias='type', title='Type', description='The nature or genre of the resource.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uri: Optional[str] = Field(serialization_alias='dcterms:URI', default=None, title='URI', repr=False, description='The Uniform Resource Identifier used to uniquely identify a term.', json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Tag #

Bases: BaseModel

Tag Class.

Tags annotate and categorize bioacoustic research components. Each tag is a term-value pair. The term provides context and enables categorization.


Name Type Description
term Term

The standardized term associated with the tag, providing context and meaning.

value str

The value associated with the tag, offering specific information.


The key attribute is deprecated. Use term instead.


Name Description


Name Type Description
key str

Return the key of the tag.

term Term
value str
key: str property #

Return the key of the tag.

term: Term = Field(title='Term', description='The standardised term associated with the tag.', repr=True) class-attribute instance-attribute #
value: str = Field(title='Value', description='The value associated with the tag.', repr=True) class-attribute instance-attribute #
handle_deprecated_key(values) classmethod #

Feature #

Bases: BaseModel

Feature Class.

Features are numerical values associated with sound events, clips, and recordings, providing additional metadata. These numerical descriptors enable searching, organizing, and analyzing bioacoustic data.


Name Type Description
term Term

The standardized term associated with the feature, providing context and meaning.

value float

The numeric value quantifying the feature, enabling precise comparison and analysis.


Name Description


Name Type Description
name str

Return the name of the feature.

term Term
value float
name: str property #

Return the name of the feature.

term: Term instance-attribute #
value: float instance-attribute #
handle_deprecated_name(values) classmethod #

Note #

Bases: BaseModel

Note Class.

Notes play a pivotal role in the annotation process, providing essential textual context and enabling effective communication among users. Attached to recordings, clips, or sound events, notes serve various purposes, from offering contextual information and explanations to flagging issues and initiating discussions. This collaborative tool enhances the accuracy and depth of annotations while promoting a richer understanding of the audio data.


Name Type Description
uuid UUID

A unique identifier for the note, automatically generated upon creation. This ID distinguishes each note, ensuring a clear reference for annotators and researchers.

message str

The content of the note, which can include contextual information, explanations, issues, alternative interpretations, or any other relevant details. The message provides valuable insights and explanations related to the annotated material.

created_by Optional[User]

The identifier of the user who created the note. While optional, including this information enables users to understand the source of the note, fostering transparency and accountability within the annotation process.

is_issue bool

A flag indicating whether the note highlights an issue or concern. When set to True, the note signals incomplete or incorrect annotations, guiding annotators' attention to specific areas that require further review and refinement.

created_on datetime

The date and time when the note was created. This timestamp provides a historical record of the note's origin, allowing users to track the timeline of annotations and discussions.


Name Type Description
created_by Optional[User]
created_on datetime
is_issue bool
message str
uuid UUID
created_by: Optional[User] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #
is_issue: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #
message: str instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Recording #

Bases: BaseModel

Represents an audio recording in bioacoustic research.

This class models raw, unaltered audio files as captured by recording devices. Recordings are fundamental to bioacoustic research and are identified by various metadata, including:

  • Unique identifier
  • File path
  • Duration
  • Number of channels
  • Sample rate
  • Time expansion factor
  • Hash
  • Geographic coordinates
  • Tags, features, and notes

For time-expanded audio (slowed down or sped up), the duration and sample_rate reflect the original recording values, not the modified values in the file. This ensures accuracy in representing the audio's true capture conditions.


Name Description

Create a recording object from a file.


Name Type Description
channels int

The number of channels in the audio file.

date Optional[date]

The date on which the recording was made.

duration float

The duration of the audio file in seconds.

features List[Feature]

A list of features associated with the recording.

hash Optional[str]

The md5 hash of the audio file.

latitude Optional[float]

The latitude coordinate of the site of recording.

license Optional[str]
longitude Optional[float]
notes List[Note]

A list of notes associated with the recording.

owners List[User]
path Path

The file path to the audio recording.

rights Optional[str]
samplerate int

The sample rate of the audio file in Hz.

tags List[Tag]

A list of tags associated with the recording.

time Optional[time]

The time at which the recording was made.

time_expansion float

The time expansion factor of the audio file.

uuid UUID

A unique identifier for the recording.

channels: int = Field(title='Channels', serialization_alias='mo:channels', description='The number of channels in the audio file.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The number of channels in the audio file.

date: Optional[] = Field(default=None, repr=False, deprecated=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The date on which the recording was made.

Default is None.

duration: float = Field(title='Duration', serialization_alias='ac:mediaDuration', description='The duration of the audio file in seconds.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The duration of the audio file in seconds.

This duration is adjusted by the time expansion factor if the audio file is time expanded, providing the real duration of the recorded audio.

features: List[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

A list of features associated with the recording.

hash: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='ac:hashValue', title='Hash', description='The value computed by a hash function applied to the media that will be delivered at the access point.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The md5 hash of the audio file.

Default is None.

latitude: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='dwc:decimalLatitude', title='Decimal Latitude', description='The geographic latitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in dwc:geodeticDatum) of the geographic center of a dcterms:Location. Positive values are north of the Equator, negative values are south of it. Legal values lie between -90 and 90, inclusive.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The latitude coordinate of the site of recording.

Default is None.

license: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='dcterms:license', title='License', description='A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
longitude: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='dwc:decimalLongitude', title='Decimal Longitude', description='The geographic longitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in dwc:geodeticDatum) of the geographic center of a dcterms:Location. Positive values are east of the Greenwich Meridian, negative values are west of it. Legal values lie between -180 and 180, inclusive.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
model_config = ConfigDict(extra='allow') class-attribute instance-attribute #
notes: List[Note] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

A list of notes associated with the recording.

owners: List[User] = Field(default_factory=list, serialization_alias='xmpRights:Owner', title='Copyright Owner', description='A list of legal owners of the resource.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
path: Path = Field(title='Path', description='The path to the audio file.', repr=True) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The file path to the audio recording.

rights: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, serialization_alias='dcterms:rights', title='Copyright Statement', description='Information about rights held in and over the resource.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #
samplerate: int = Field(title='Sample Rate', serialization_alias='mo:sample_rate', description='The sample rate of the audio file in Hz.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The sample rate of the audio file in Hz.

Similar to duration, the sample rate is adjusted by the time expansion factor if the audio file is time expanded, representing the real sample rate of the recorded audio.

tags: List[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

A list of tags associated with the recording.

time: Optional[datetime.time] = Field(default=None, repr=False, deprecated=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The time at which the recording was made.

Default is None.

time_expansion: float = Field(default=1.0, serialization_alias='ac:mediaSpeed', title='Media Speed', description='The decimal fraction representing the natural speed over the encoded speed.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The time expansion factor of the audio file.

Default is 1.0, indicating no time expansion.

uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, serialization_alias='dcterms:identifier', title='Identifier', description='An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.', repr=False, json_schema_extra={'$id': ''}) class-attribute instance-attribute #

A unique identifier for the recording.

from_file(path, time_expansion=1, compute_hash=True, **kwargs) classmethod #

Create a recording object from a file.

This function does not load the audio data itself, but rather extracts the metadata from the file and creates a recording object with the appropriate metadata.


Name Type Description Default
path PathLike

The path to the audio file.

time_expansion float

The time expansion factor of the audio file, by default 1.

compute_hash bool

Whether to compute the md5 hash of the audio file, by default True. If you are loading a large number of recordings, you might want to set this to False to speed up the loading process.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to the constructor.



Type Description

The recording object.

RecordingSet #

Bases: BaseModel


Name Type Description
created_on datetime
recordings List[Recording]
uuid UUID
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #
recordings: List[Recording] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Dataset #

Bases: RecordingSet


Name Description

Return a dataset from the directory.


Name Type Description
description Optional[str]
name str
description: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
name: str instance-attribute #
from_directory(path, name, description=None, recursive=True, compute_hash=True) classmethod #

Return a dataset from the directory.

Reads the audio files in the directory and returns a dataset containing the recordings.


Name Type Description Default
path PathLike

Path to the directory.

recursive bool

Whether to search the directory recursively, by default True

compute_hash bool

Whether to compute the hash of the audio files, by default



Type Description

The dataset.


Type Description

If the path is not a directory.

SoundEvent #

Bases: BaseModel

Sound Event Class.

Represents a specific sound event detected within a recording. Each sound event is characterized by a unique identifier, the recording in which it occurs, its spatial geometry (if available), associated tags, and features. Sound events are fundamental entities used for studying and categorizing various acoustic phenomena within audio recordings.


Name Type Description
uuid UUID

A unique identifier (UUID) for the sound event.

geometry Optional[Geometry]

The spatial geometry locating the sound event within the recording. Can include information about the event's position, duration, and frequency range.

features List[Feature]

A list of features associated with the sound event, offering quantitative information about its acoustic properties.


Name Type Description
features List[Feature]
geometry Optional[Geometry]
recording Recording
uuid UUID
features: List[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
geometry: Optional[Geometry] instance-attribute #
recording: Recording instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Sequence #

Bases: BaseModel

Sequence Class.

Represents a sequence of sound events in bioacoustic research. A sequence is a ordered collection of sound events, each characterized by its unique identifier, associated tags, features, and notes. Sequences can be hierarchical, allowing the organization of sub-sequences under parent sequences.


Name Type Description
uuid UUID

A unique identifier for the sequence.

sound_events List[SoundEvent]

A list of sound events within the sequence.

features List[Feature]

A list of features associated with the sequence, offering quantitative information about the sequence's acoustic characteristics.

parent Optional[Sequence]

If the sequence is a subsequence, this attribute refers to the parent sequence under which the current sequence is organized.


Name Type Description
features List[Feature]
parent Optional[Sequence]
sound_events List[SoundEvent]
uuid UUID
features: List[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
parent: Optional[Sequence] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
sound_events: List[SoundEvent] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Clip #

Bases: BaseModel

Clip Class.

The Clip class represents a specific segment of an audio recording within the context of bioacoustic research. Clips provide isolated and manageable portions of audio data, essential for analysis, annotation, and machine learning tasks.


Name Type Description
uuid (UUID, optional)

The unique identifier of the clip, automatically generated upon creation. This identifier distinguishes the clip from others and is crucial for referencing and management purposes.

recording Recording

An instance of the Recording class representing the larger audio recording that the clip belongs to. Clips are extracted from recordings and serve as individual units for analysis. The recording provides essential context for understanding the origin and source of the audio data.

start_time float

The start time of the clip in seconds, indicating the beginning point of the segment within the recording's timeline. Start time is essential for accurate temporal positioning and alignment of the clip within the context of the original recording.

end_time float

The end time of the clip in seconds, representing the conclusion of the segment within the recording's timeline. End time provides clear boundaries for the duration of the clip, aiding in precise temporal delineation and analysis of the audio content.

features (List[Feature], optional)

A list of Feature instances representing computed features or descriptors associated with the clip. Features provide quantitative and qualitative insights into the audio content, allowing for advanced analysis and machine learning applications. These features serve as valuable inputs for algorithms and models, enhancing the depth of analysis and interpretation.


Name Type Description
duration float

Return the duration of the clip.

end_time float
features List[Feature]
recording Recording
start_time float
uuid UUID
duration: float property #

Return the duration of the clip.

end_time: float instance-attribute #
features: List[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
recording: Recording instance-attribute #
start_time: float instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

SoundEventAnnotation #

Bases: BaseModel

Annotation Class.

The Annotation class encapsulates essential information about a specific annotation created within a bioacoustic research project. Annotations provide detailed labeling for individual sound events, enhancing the interpretability and utility of audio data.


Name Type Description
uuid UUID

A unique identifier for the annotation, automatically generated upon creation. This identifier distinguishes the annotation from others and is crucial for referencing and management purposes.

created_by Optional[User]

The user who created the annotation, providing insights into the annotator's identity. This information is valuable for tracking and accountability within annotation projects.

sound_event SoundEvent

An instance of the SoundEvent class representing the specific sound event being annotated. Sound events define distinct audio occurrences, such as bird calls or animal vocalizations, and are essential for categorizing the content of the audio data.

A list of `Note` instances representing additional contextual information or
remarks associated with the annotation. Notes can provide insights into specific
characteristics of the sound event, aiding in the comprehensive understanding
of the annotated data.

tags A list of Tag instances representing user-provided tags associated with the annotated sound event. These tags offer additional semantic context to the annotation, enabling detailed classification and facilitating targeted analysis of the acoustic content. created_on The timestamp indicating the time at which the annotation was created. This information is essential for tracking the progress of an annotation task and understanding the chronological order of annotations within a project.


Name Type Description
created_by Optional[User]
created_on datetime
notes List[Note]
sound_event SoundEvent
tags List[Tag]
uuid UUID
created_by: Optional[User] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field(, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
notes: List[Note] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
sound_event: SoundEvent instance-attribute #
tags: List[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

SequenceAnnotation #

Bases: BaseModel

A class representing the annotations of a sequence.


Name Type Description
uuid UUID

A unique identifier for the annotation.

sequence Sequence

The sequence being annotated.

A list of notes associated with the sequence.

tags The tags attached to the sequence providing semantic information. created_on The date and time the annotation was created. created_by The user who created the annotation.


Name Type Description
created_by Optional[User]
created_on datetime
notes List[Note]
sequence Sequence
tags List[Tag]
uuid UUID
created_by: Optional[User] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field(, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
notes: List[Note] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
sequence: Sequence instance-attribute #
tags: List[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

ClipAnnotation #

Bases: BaseModel

Clip Annotations Class.

Represents annotations associated with a specific audio clip.

ClipAnnotations encapsulates details about the audio clip, associated tags, annotations of sound events, status badges indicating the state of the annotation process, and any additional notes related to the annotations.


Name Type Description
uuid UUID

A unique identifier automatically generated for the clip annotations.

clip Clip

The Clip instance representing the audio clip associated with these annotations.

tags List[Tag]

A list of Tag instances defining the set of tags associated with the clip.


A list of Annotation instances representing detailed annotations of sound events in the clip.

A list of Note instances representing additional contextual
information or remarks associated with the clip.


Name Type Description
clip Clip
created_on datetime
notes List[Note]
sequences List[SequenceAnnotation]
sound_events List[SoundEventAnnotation]
tags List[Tag]
uuid UUID
clip: Clip instance-attribute #
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #
notes: List[Note] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
sequences: List[SequenceAnnotation] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
sound_events: List[SoundEventAnnotation] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
tags: List[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

AnnotationState #

Bases: str, Enum

Annotation State Enumeration.

Enumeration representing the different states an audio clip can be in during the annotation process. The AnnotationState enum provides clear insights into the progress of the annotation process, helping users understand the current stage of the annotation of the clip.


Name Type Description

The clip has been assigned to an annotator and is awaiting completion.


The clip has been fully annotated and is awaiting review.


The clip has been reviewed and accepted by the reviewer, indicating that the annotation is complete and accurate.


The clip annotations have been reviewed and rejected by the reviewer, indicating that the annotation is incomplete or inaccurate.


Name Type Description
assigned = 'assigned' class-attribute instance-attribute #
completed = 'completed' class-attribute instance-attribute #
rejected = 'rejected' class-attribute instance-attribute #
verified = 'verified' class-attribute instance-attribute #

StatusBadge #

Bases: BaseModel

Annotation Status Badge Class.

Represents an indicator of the current state of annotation for a clip.

The StatusBadge class includes information such as the task state, the responsible user, and the creation timestamp, providing insights into the clip's annotation progress.


Name Type Description
state AnnotationState

The AnntoationState enum indicating the current state of the annotation of the clip.

owner Optional[User]

Optional field specifying the user responsible for this status badge.

created_on datetime

The date and time when the status badge was created, providing a historical record of the badge's creation time.


Name Type Description
created_on datetime
owner Optional[User]
state AnnotationState
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #
owner: Optional[User] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
state: AnnotationState instance-attribute #

AnnotationTask #

Bases: BaseModel


Name Type Description
clip Clip
created_on datetime
status_badges List[StatusBadge]
uuid UUID
clip: Clip instance-attribute #
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #
status_badges: List[StatusBadge] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

AnnotationSet #

Bases: BaseModel

Annotation Set Class.


Name Type Description
clip_annotations List[ClipAnnotation]
created_on datetime
uuid UUID
clip_annotations: List[ClipAnnotation] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

AnnotationProject #

Bases: AnnotationSet

Annotation Project Class.


Name Type Description
annotation_tags List[Tag]
description Optional[str]
instructions Optional[str]
name str
tasks List[AnnotationTask]
annotation_tags: List[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #
description: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
instructions: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
name: str instance-attribute #
tasks: List[AnnotationTask] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

PredictedTag #

Bases: BaseModel

Predicted Tag Class.

Predicted tags are categorical descriptions generated by machine learning-based methods to represent processed sound clips. These descriptions include probability scores, reflecting the confidence of the tag assignment. Predicted tags serve as essential elements in audio analysis, providing insights into the characteristics of sound events.


Name Type Description
tag Tag

The predicted tag representing the categorical description of the sound event.

score float

A probability score ranging from 0 to 1, indicating the confidence level of the tag assignment. A score of 1 signifies a high level of certainty in the assigned tag. When the audio analysis method does not provide a score, the default value is set to 1.


Name Type Description
score float
tag Tag
score: float = Field(default=1, ge=0, le=1) class-attribute instance-attribute #
tag: Tag instance-attribute #

SoundEventPrediction #

Bases: BaseModel

Predicted Sound Event Class.

Predicted sound events represent the outcomes of automated methods and machine learning models employed to identify sound events within audio clips. These predictions provide valuable insights into the presence and characteristics of sound events, supporting comprehensive audio analysis.


Name Type Description
uuid UUID

A unique identifier for the prediction, automatically generated upon creation. This identifier distinguishes each prediction, facilitating reference and management.

sound_event SoundEvent

The predicted sound event captured by the automated method or machine learning model. This encapsulates details such as the sound event's temporal properties, and other essential characteristics.

score float

A probability score indicating the confidence of the prediction. This score reflects the certainty of the event's identification within the clip. Researchers leverage these scores to assess the reliability and accuracy of the predictions, enabling further analysis and evaluation.

tags List[PredictedTag]

A list of predicted tags associated with the sound event. Predicted tags provide semantic labels that offer insights into the nature and characteristics of the event. Each tag is assigned its own probability score, indicating the model's confidence in the relevance of the tag to the event. These scores assist researchers in understanding the significance and reliability of the predicted tags.


Name Type Description
score float
sound_event SoundEvent
tags List[PredictedTag]
uuid UUID
score: float = Field(default=1, ge=0, le=1) class-attribute instance-attribute #
sound_event: SoundEvent instance-attribute #
tags: List[PredictedTag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

SequencePrediction #

Bases: BaseModel

A class representing a sequence prediction.


Name Type Description
uuid UUID

A unique identifier for the prediction.

sequence Sequence

The sequence being predicted.

score float

A score between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence in the prediction.

tags List[PredictedTag]

List of tags attached to the sequence providing semantic information.


Name Type Description
score float
sequence Sequence
tags List[PredictedTag]
uuid UUID
score: float = Field(default=1, ge=0, le=1) class-attribute instance-attribute #
sequence: Sequence instance-attribute #
tags: List[PredictedTag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

ClipPrediction #

Bases: BaseModel

Clip Prediction.

Clip prediction encapsulate the outcomes of various processing steps applied to recording clips in bioacoustic research. These processing steps can include sound event detection, tag generation, and acoustic feature extraction.


Name Type Description
uuid UUID

A unique identifier for the processed clip.

clip Clip

The original clip that was processed, serving as the basis for the analysis.

sound_events Sequence[SoundEventPrediction]

A list of predicted sound events detected within the clip. Each predicted sound event contains information about its characteristics, including temporal and frequency properties.

tags Sequence[PredictedTag]

A list of predicted tags generated at the clip level. These tags provide high-level semantic information about the clip's content, aiding in organization and categorization.

features Sequence[Feature]

A list of acoustic features extracted from the clip. These features offer numerical representations describing properties such as signal-to-noise ratio, spectral centroid, or other acoustic characteristics. They enhance the understanding of the clip's acoustic content.


Name Type Description
clip Clip
features Sequence[Feature]
sequences Sequence[SequencePrediction]
sound_events Sequence[SoundEventPrediction]
tags Sequence[PredictedTag]
uuid UUID
clip: Clip instance-attribute #
features: Sequence[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
sequences: Sequence[SequencePrediction] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
sound_events: Sequence[SoundEventPrediction] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
tags: Sequence[PredictedTag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

PredictionSet #

Bases: BaseModel

ModelRun Class.

The ModelRun class represents a collection of processed audio clips generated during a single run using the same processing method. In bioacoustic research, applying consistent processing pipelines to sets of audio clips is essential for maintaining comparability and ensuring the reliability of research results.


Name Type Description

The unique identifier of the model run, automatically generated upon creation.


A list of ProcessedClip instances representing the audio clips processed during the run. These clips share a common processing history and are grouped within the same ModelRun for consistency and comparability.

created_on datetime

The date and time when the ModelRun object was created. This timestamp provides information about the moment the processing run was initiated.


Name Type Description
clip_predictions List[ClipPrediction]
created_on datetime
uuid UUID
clip_predictions: List[ClipPrediction] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

ModelRun #

Bases: PredictionSet


Name Type Description
description Optional[str]
name str
version Optional[str]
description: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
name: str instance-attribute #
version: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

EvaluationSet #

Bases: AnnotationSet

Evaluation Set Class.


Name Type Description
description Optional[str]
evaluation_tags Sequence[Tag]
name str
description: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
evaluation_tags: Sequence[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
name: str instance-attribute #

Match #

Bases: BaseModel

Match Class.

The Match class represents the outcome of the matching process in bioacoustic research. During this process, sound events from a source and a target are compared based on a similarity metric. The matched sound events are paired, and the Match object captures these pairs along with their affinity scores, indicating the level of similarity between the matched events.


Name Type Description
source Optional[SoundEventPrediction]

The predicted sound event that was matched from the source model run.

target Optional[SoundEventAnnotation]

The annotation that was matched from the target evaluation set.

affinity float

The affinity score quantifying the degree of geometric similarity between the matched source and target sound events. Affinity scores range from 0.0 (no similarity) to 1.0 (perfect match). Researchers can use this score to evaluate the strength and quality of the match.

score Optional[float]

The score of the matched sound event. This score is typically used to evaluate the quality of the matched sound event. For example, the score could represent the probability of the sound event, or the confidence of the model in predicting the sound event.

metrics Sequence[Feature]

A list of metrics that were computed for the matched sound event. These metrics can be used to evaluate the quality of the matched sound event, in addition to the affinity and score.


Name Type Description
affinity float
metrics Sequence[Feature]
score Optional[float]
source Optional[SoundEventPrediction]
target Optional[SoundEventAnnotation]
uuid UUID
affinity: float = Field(default=0.0, ge=0.0, le=1.0) class-attribute instance-attribute #
metrics: Sequence[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
score: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, ge=0.0, le=1.0) class-attribute instance-attribute #
source: Optional[SoundEventPrediction] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
target: Optional[SoundEventAnnotation] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

ClipEvaluation #

Bases: BaseModel

Evaluated example model.


Name Type Description
annotations ClipAnnotation

An instance of the ClipAnnotations class representing the original annotations for the evaluated example. This object contains the audio clip, ground truth annotations, and other relevant information necessary for evaluation.


An instance of the ProcessedClip class representing the model's predictions for the given example. This processed clip encapsulates the model's annotations and predictions, providing a standardized format for comparison and analysis.

matches Sequence[Match]

A list of Match instances representing the matches between the model's predictions and the ground truth annotations. Each Match object contains information about the predicted and actual annotations that align, allowing for detailed analysis of correct predictions and potential errors.

metrics Sequence[Feature]

A list of Feature instances representing computed evaluation metrics for the evaluated example. These metrics quantify the model's performance on this specific instance, offering numerical insights into accuracy, precision, recall, and other relevant evaluation criteria.

score Optional[float]

A float representing the overall score for the evaluated example. This score is usually some combination of the evaluation metrics, providing a single value that can be used to compare different models and evaluation examples. Can be used to rank predictions based on their overall score


Name Type Description
annotations ClipAnnotation
matches Sequence[Match]
metrics Sequence[Feature]
predictions ClipPrediction
score Optional[float]
uuid UUID
annotations: ClipAnnotation instance-attribute #
matches: Sequence[Match] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
metrics: Sequence[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
predictions: ClipPrediction instance-attribute #
score: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, ge=0.0, le=1.0) class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Evaluation #

Bases: BaseModel

Evaluation Class.


Name Type Description
clip_evaluations Sequence[ClipEvaluation]
created_on datetime
evaluation_task str
metrics Sequence[Feature]
score Optional[float]
uuid UUID
clip_evaluations: Sequence[ClipEvaluation] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #
evaluation_task: str instance-attribute #
metrics: Sequence[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #
score: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, alias='score') class-attribute instance-attribute #
uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Geometries# #

Geometry types.

Sound event geometry plays a crucial role in locating and describing sound events within a recording. Different geometry types offer flexibility in representing the location of sound events, allowing for varying levels of detail and precision. The soundevent package follows the GeoJSON specification for geometry types and provides support for a range of geometry types.

Units and Time Reference#

All geometries in the soundevent package utilize seconds as the unit for time and hertz as the unit for frequency. It is important to note that time values are always relative to the start of the recording. By consistently using these units, it becomes easier to develop functions and interact with geometry objects based on convenient assumptions.

Supported Geometry Types#

The soundevent package supports the following geometry types, each serving a specific purpose in describing the location of sound events:

  • TimeStamp: Represents a single point in time.

  • TimeInterval: Describes a time interval, indicating a range of time within which the sound event occurs.

  • Point: Represents a specific point in time and frequency, pinpointing the exact location of the sound event.

  • LineString: Represents a sequence of points in time and frequency, allowing for the description of continuous sound events.

  • Polygon: Defines a closed shape in time and frequency, enabling the representation of complex sound event regions.

  • Box: Represents a rectangle in time and frequency, useful for specifying rectangular sound event areas.

  • Multi-Point: Describes a collection of points, allowing for the representation of multiple sound events occurring at different locations.

  • Multi-Line String: Represents a collection of line strings, useful for capturing multiple continuous sound events.

  • Multi-Polygon: Defines a collection of polygons, accommodating complex and overlapping sound event regions.

By offering these geometry types, the soundevent package provides a comprehensive framework for accurately and flexibly describing the location and extent of sound events within a recording.


Name Description

TimeStamp Geometry Class.


TimeInterval Geometry Class.


Point Geometry Class.


LineString Geometry Class.


Bounding Box Geometry Class.


Polygon Geometry Class.


MultiPoint Geometry Class.


MultiLineString Geometry Class.


MultiPolygon Geometry Class.


Name Type Description

Geometry Type.


Geometry = Union[TimeStamp, TimeInterval, Point, LineString, Polygon, BoundingBox, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon] module-attribute #

Geometry Type.

The Geometry type is a versatile data structure designed to pinpoint sound events accurately within audio recordings. It encompasses a range of geometric representations, each tailored to specific use cases within bioacoustic research. These geometries play a fundamental role in describing the spatial and temporal characteristics of sound events, enabling precise analysis and interpretation.

Available Geometries:

  • TimeStamp: Represents a sound event located at a specific point in time.
  • TimeInterval: Describes a sound event within a specified time interval.
  • Point: Locates a sound event at a precise time and frequency point.
  • LineString: Defines a sound event as a trajectory in time and frequency.
  • Polygon: Represents a complex shape in time and frequency, enclosing a sound event.
  • BoundingBox: Describes a sound event within a defined time and frequency range.
  • MultiPoint: Represents multiple discrete points in time and frequency as a single sound event.
  • MultiLineString: Describes a sound event formed by multiple connected trajectories.
  • MultiPolygon: Represents a sound event encompassed by multiple complex shapes.


TimeStamp #

Bases: BaseGeometry

TimeStamp Geometry Class.

The TimeStamp class represents a specific time point within an audio recording where a sound event occurs. This geometry type is particularly useful for very short sound events that are not well-represented by a time interval. TimeStamp provides precise temporal localization, indicating the exact moment when a sound event is detected.


Name Type Description
type TimeStampName

The type of geometry, always set to "TimeStamp," indicating the specific geometry type being utilized. This attribute ensures clear identification of the geometry representation and its intended purpose.

coordinates Time

The time stamp of the sound event, specifying the exact moment, in seconds, when the event occurred relative to the start of the recording. The time stamp is represented in a standard format, allowing for consistent interpretation and synchronization across different applications and systems.


Name Type Description
coordinates Time
type TimeStampName
coordinates: Time = Field(..., description='The time stamp of the sound event.') class-attribute instance-attribute #
type: TimeStampName = 'TimeStamp' class-attribute instance-attribute #

TimeInterval #

Bases: BaseGeometry

TimeInterval Geometry Class.

The TimeInterval class represents a specific time interval within an audio recording where a sound event occurs. This geometry type is particularly useful for events that have a clear start and end time but lack a well-defined frequency range. TimeInterval provides a structured way to define the duration of such sound events, allowing for accurate temporal localization.


Name Type Description
type TimeIntervalName

The type of geometry, always set to "TimeInterval," indicating the specific geometry type being utilized. This attribute ensures clear identification of the geometry representation and its intended purpose.

coordinates List[Time]

The time interval of the sound event, specifying the start and end times of the event relative to the start of the recording. The time interval is represented as a list of two Time objects, indicating the beginning and end of the event. This structured format enables precise definition of the event's duration.


Name Type Description
coordinates List[Time]
type TimeIntervalName
coordinates: List[Time] = Field(description='The time interval of the sound event.') class-attribute instance-attribute #
type: TimeIntervalName = 'TimeInterval' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Point #

Bases: BaseGeometry

Point Geometry Class.

The Point class represents a specific point in time and frequency within an audio recording where a sound event occurs. This geometry type provides precise localization, indicating both the exact moment and frequency content of the event. Point is ideal for events with well-defined temporal and spectral characteristics, enabling accurate pinpointing of sound occurrences.


Name Type Description
type PointName

The type of geometry, always set to "Point," indicating the specific geometry type being utilized. This attribute ensures clear identification of the geometry representation and its intended purpose.

coordinates List[float]

The points of the sound event, specifying both the time and frequency components of the event relative to the start of the recording. The coordinates attribute is represented as a list of two float values, indicating the time and frequency of the event. This structured format enables accurate localization of the sound event within the recording.


Name Type Description
coordinates List[float]
type PointName
coordinates: List[float] = Field(..., description='The points of the sound event.') class-attribute instance-attribute #
type: PointName = 'Point' class-attribute instance-attribute #

LineString #

Bases: BaseGeometry

LineString Geometry Class.

The LineString class represents a continuous trajectory of sound events within an audio recording, defined by a sequence of points in both time and frequency. This geometry type is particularly valuable for events with clear and defined frequency trajectories, allowing for detailed mapping of sound occurrences over time. LineString provides a comprehensive representation for events that exhibit specific frequency patterns or modulations.


Name Type Description
type LineStringName

The type of geometry, always set to "LineString," indicating the specific geometry type being utilized. This attribute ensures clear identification of the geometry representation and its intended purpose.

coordinates List[List[float]]

The line of the sound event, specifying the trajectory of the event as a list of points in both time and frequency. Each point is represented as a list of two float values, indicating the time and frequency coordinates of the event. The coordinates attribute is ordered by time, providing a clear sequence of the sound event's trajectory within the recording.


Name Type Description
coordinates List[List[float]]
type LineStringName
coordinates: List[List[float]] = Field(..., description='The line of the sound event.') class-attribute instance-attribute #
type: LineStringName = 'LineString' class-attribute instance-attribute #

BoundingBox #

Bases: BaseGeometry

Bounding Box Geometry Class.

The BoundingBox class represents sound events within an audio recording, defined by a rectangular bounding box in both time and frequency. This geometry type is suitable for events with clear and well-defined frequency ranges, start and stop times. BoundingBox provides a simple yet effective way to localize sound events within a specific time interval and frequency band, enabling accurate mapping of events that exhibit distinct spectral content.


Name Type Description
type BoundingBoxName

The type of geometry, always set to "BoundingBox," indicating the specific geometry type being utilized. This attribute ensures clear identification of the geometry representation and its intended purpose.

coordinates List[float]

The bounding box of the sound event, specifying the start and end times as well as the start and end frequencies of the event. The coordinates attribute is represented as a list of four float values in the format (start time, start frequency, end time, end frequency). All times are relative to the start of the recording. This format allows precise localization of the event within the recording.


Name Type Description
coordinates List[float]
type BoundingBoxName
coordinates: List[float] = Field(..., description='The bounding box of the sound event.') class-attribute instance-attribute #
type: BoundingBoxName = 'BoundingBox' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Polygon #

Bases: BaseGeometry

Polygon Geometry Class.

The Polygon class represents complex-shaped sound events within an audio recording, defined by a polygonal boundary in both time and frequency. This geometry type is valuable for events that do not exhibit a concentrated frequency band and are contained within intricate shapes on the spectrogram. Polygon provides a detailed and accurate representation for sound events that require precise spatial localization and have diverse frequency distributions.


Name Type Description
type PolygonName

The type of geometry, always set to "Polygon," indicating the specific geometry type being utilized. This attribute ensures clear identification of the geometry representation and its intended purpose.

coordinates List[List[List[float]]]

The polygon of the sound event, specifying the boundary of the event as a list of points in both time and frequency. Each point is represented as a list of two float values, indicating the time and frequency coordinates of the event. The coordinates attribute represents the polygonal shape of the sound event, allowing for detailed mapping of its extent within the recording.


Name Type Description
coordinates List[List[List[float]]]
type PolygonName
coordinates: List[List[List[float]]] = Field(..., description='The polygon of the sound event.') class-attribute instance-attribute #
type: PolygonName = 'Polygon' class-attribute instance-attribute #

MultiPoint #

Bases: BaseGeometry

MultiPoint Geometry Class.

The MultiPoint class represents sound events within an audio recording, defined by multiple points in both time and frequency. This geometry type is suitable for events that consist of multiple interesting points distributed across the spectrogram. MultiPoint allows researchers to identify and map several distinct points within an event, providing a detailed representation for complex acoustic patterns.


Name Type Description
type MultiPointName

The type of geometry, always set to "MultiPoint," indicating the specific geometry type being utilized. This attribute ensures clear identification of the geometry representation and its intended purpose.

coordinates List[List[float]]

The points of the sound event, specifying the time and frequency coordinates of each interesting point within the event. The coordinates attribute is represented as a list of lists, where each inner list contains two float values representing the time and frequency of a point. All times are relative to the start of the recording. This format allows for the localization of multiple points within the recording.


Name Type Description
coordinates List[List[float]]
type MultiPointName
coordinates: List[List[float]] = Field(..., description='The points of the sound event.') class-attribute instance-attribute #
type: MultiPointName = 'MultiPoint' class-attribute instance-attribute #

MultiLineString #

Bases: BaseGeometry

MultiLineString Geometry Class.

The MultiLineString class represents sound events within an audio recording, defined by multiple lines in both time and frequency. This geometry type is suitable for events that consist of multiple interesting lines distributed across the spectrogram. MultiLineString allows researchers to identify and map several distinct lines within an event, providing a detailed representation for complex acoustic patterns, such as events with multiple harmonics.


Name Type Description
type MultiLineStringName

The type of geometry, always set to "MultiLineString," indicating the specific geometry type being utilized. This attribute ensures clear identification of the geometry representation and its intended purpose.

coordinates List[List[List[float]]]

The lines of the sound event, specifying the time and frequency coordinates of each point in each line within the event. The coordinates attribute is represented as a list of lists of lists, where each innermost list contains two float values representing the time and frequency of a point. All times are relative to the start of the recording. This format allows for the localization of multiple lines within the recording.


Name Type Description
coordinates List[List[List[float]]]
type MultiLineStringName
coordinates: List[List[List[float]]] = Field(..., description='The lines of the sound event.') class-attribute instance-attribute #
type: MultiLineStringName = 'MultiLineString' class-attribute instance-attribute #

MultiPolygon #

Bases: BaseGeometry

MultiPolygon Geometry Class.

The MultiPolygon class represents sound events within an audio recording, defined by multiple polygons in both time and frequency. This geometry type is suitable for events that are split into multiple distinct polygons, often due to occlusion by other sound events. MultiPolygon enables the identification and mapping of multiple separate regions within an event, providing a detailed representation for complex acoustic patterns, such as events occluded by others.


Name Type Description
type MultiPolygonName

The type of geometry, always set to "MultiPolygon," indicating the specific geometry type being utilized. This attribute ensures clear identification of the geometry representation and its intended purpose.

coordinates List[List[List[List[float]]]]

The polygons of the sound event, specifying the time and frequency coordinates for each point in each polygon within the event. The coordinates attribute is represented as a list of lists of lists of lists, where each innermost list contains two float values representing the time and frequency of a point. All times are relative to the start of the recording. This format allows for the localization of multiple distinct regions within the recording.


Name Type Description
coordinates List[List[List[List[float]]]]
type MultiPolygonName
coordinates: List[List[List[List[float]]]] = Field(..., description='The polygons of the sound event.') class-attribute instance-attribute #
type: MultiPolygonName = 'MultiPolygon' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Other# = Union[os.PathLike, str] module-attribute #

PathLike: A type alias for a path-like object.