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Terms Module#

soundevent.terms #

Terms module.

This module provides pre-defined Term objects for working with soundevent data. These terms are aligned with established metadata standards whenever possible, promoting consistency and interoperability across projects.


Name Description


Name Type Description


accuracy = Term(uri='', name='stato:accuracy', label='Accuracy', definition='In the context of binary classification, accuracy is defined as the proportion of true results (both true positives and true negatives) to the total number of cases examined (the sum of true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative). It can be understood as a measure of the proximity of measurement results to the true value. Accuracy is a metric used in the context of classification tasks to evaluate the proportion of correctly predicted instances among the total instances. Key Points: Use Case: Classification performance evaluation. Metric: Measures the proportion of correct predictions. Interpretation: Higher values indicate better classification performance.') module-attribute #

alternative = Term(uri='', name='dcterms:alternative', label='Alternative', definition='An alternative name for the resource.', scope_note='Can be used to reference an identifier from an external source for a resource within a new collection, acting as a cross-reference.') module-attribute #

average_precision = Term(name='soundevent_metrics:averagePrecision', label='Average Precision', definition='The average precision (AP) is a metric that quantifies the quality of a binary detection task. The AP is defined as the area under the precision-recall curve.') module-attribute #

balanced_accuracy = Term(name='soundevent_metrics:balancedAccuracy', label='Balanced Accuracy', definition='The macro-average of recall scores per class or, equivalently, raw accuracy where each sample is weighted according to the inverse prevalence of its true class. Thus for balanced datasets, the score is equal to accuracy.') module-attribute #

bandwidth = Term(name='soundevent:bandwidth', label='Bandwidth', definition='The difference between the highest and lowest frequency of the sound event.', scope_note='Numeric value in hertz (Hz)') module-attribute #

capture_device = Term(uri='', name='ac:captureDevice', label='Capture Device', definition='Free form text describing the device or devices used to create the resource.', scope_note='It is best practice to record the device; this may include a combination such as camera plus lens, or camera plus microscope. Examples: "Canon Supershot 2000", "Makroscan Scanner 2000", "Zeiss Axioscope with Camera IIIu", "SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)".') module-attribute #

common_name = Term(uri='', name='dwc:vernacularName', label='Common Name', definition='A common or vernacular name.', scope_note='Common (= vernacular) names of the subject in one or several languages. The ISO 639-1 language code SHOULD be given in parentheses after the name if not all names are given by values of the Metadata Language term.', description="The ISO language code after the name should be formatted as in the following example: 'abete bianco (it); Tanne (de); White Fir (en)'. If names are known to be male- or female-specific, this may be specified as in: 'ewe (en-female); ram (en-male);'.") module-attribute #

country = Term(uri='', name='dwc:country', label='Country', definition='The name of the country or major administrative unit in which the Location occurs.', scope_note='Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names.') module-attribute #

county = Term(uri='', name='dwc:county', label='Second Order Division', definition='The full, unabbreviated name of the next smaller administrative region than stateProvince (county, shire, department, etc.) in which the dcterms:Location occurs.', scope_note='Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names. Recommended best practice is to leave this field blank if the dcterms:Location spans multiple entities at this administrative level or if the dcterms:Location might be in one or another of multiple possible entities at this level. Multiplicity and uncertainty of the geographic entity can be captured either in the term dwc:higherGeography or in the term dwc:locality, or both.') module-attribute #

duration = Term(uri='', label='Media Duration', name='ac:mediaDuration', definition='The playback duration of an audio or video file in seconds.') module-attribute #

elevation = Term(uri='', name='dwc:verbatimElevation', label='Verbatim Elevation', definition='The original description of the elevation (altitude, usually above sea level) of the Location.') module-attribute #

f1_score = Term(name='soundevent_metrics:f1_score', label='F1 Score', definition="The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It is a measure of a test's accuracy that considers both the precision and recall of the test to compute the score. The F1 score is the weighted average of the precision and recall, where an F1 score reaches its best value at 1 and worst at 0.") module-attribute #

family = Term(uri='', name='dwc:family', label='Family', definition='The full scientific name of the family in which the dwc:Taxon is classified.') module-attribute #

genus = Term(uri='', name='dwc:genus', label='Genus', definition='The full scientific name of the genus in which the dwc:Taxon is classified.') module-attribute #

high_freq = Term(uri='', label='Upper frequency bound', name='ac:freqHigh', definition='The highest frequency of the phenomena reflected in the multimedia item or Region of Interest.', scope_note='Numeric value in hertz (Hz)', description='This term refers to the sound events depicted and not to the constraints of the recording medium, so are in principle independent from sampleRate. If dwc:scientificName is specified and if applied to the entire multimedia item, these frequency bounds refer to the sounds of the species given in the dwc:scientificName throughout the whole recording. Although many users will specify both freqLow and freqHigh, it is permitted to specify just one or the other, for example if only one of the bounds is discernible.') module-attribute #

jaccard_index = Term(name='soundevent_metrics:jaccard', label='Jaccard Index', definition='The Jaccard index, also known as the Jaccard similarity coefficient, is a statistic used for comparing the similarity and diversity of sample sets. The Jaccard index is defined as the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of two sample sets.') module-attribute #

location_id = Term(uri='', name='dwc:locationID', label='Location ID', definition='An identifier for the set of location information (data associated with dcterms:Location). May be a global unique identifier or an identifier specific to the data set.') module-attribute #

low_freq = Term(uri='', label='Lower frequency bound', name='ac:freqLow', definition='The lowest frequency of the phenomena reflected in the multimedia item or Region of Interest.', scope_note='Numeric value in hertz (Hz)', description='This term refers to the sound events depicted and not to the constraints of the recording medium, so are in principle independent from sampleRate. If dwc:scientificName is specified and if applied to the entire multimedia item, these frequency bounds refer to the sounds of the species given in the dwc:scientificName throughout the whole recording. Although many users will specify both freqLow and freqHigh, it is permitted to specify just one or the other, for example if only one of the bounds is discernible.') module-attribute #

mean_average_precision = Term(name='soundevent_metrics:meanAveragePrecision', label='Mean Average Precision', definition='The mean of the average precision scores per class.', description='The average precision (AP) is a metric that quantifies the quality of a binary detection task. The AP is defined as the area under the precision-recall curve. The mean average precision (mAP) is the mean of the average precision scores per class.') module-attribute #

num_segments = Term(name='soundevent:numSegments', label='Number of Segments', definition='Number of segments that compose the ROI of a sound event.') module-attribute #

order = Term(uri='', name='dwc:order', label='Order', definition='The full scientific name of the order in which the dwc:Taxon is classified.') module-attribute #

scientific_name = Term(uri='', name='dwc:scientificName', label='Scientific Taxon Name', definition='The full scientific name, with authorship and date information if known. When forming part of an Identification, this should be the name in lowest level taxonomic rank that can be determined. This term should not contain identification qualifications, which should instead be supplied in the IdentificationQualifier term.', scope_note='Scientific names of taxa represented in the media resource (with date and name authorship information if available) of the lowest level taxonomic rank that can be applied.', description='The Scientific Taxon Name may possibly be of a higher rank, e.g., a genus or family name, if this is the most specific identification available. Where multiple taxa are the subject of the media item, multiple names may be given. If possible, add this information here even if the title or caption of the resource already contains scientific taxon names. Where the list of scientific taxon names is impractically large (e.g., media collections or identification tools), the number of taxa should be given in Taxon Count (see below). If possible, avoid repeating the Taxonomic Coverage here. Do not use abbreviated Genus names ("P. vulgaris"). It is recommended to provide author citation to scientific names, to avoid ambiguities in the presence of homonyms (the same name created by different authors for different taxa). Identifier qualifications should be supplied in the Identification Qualifier term rather than here (i. e. "Abies cf. alba" is deprecated, to be replaced with Scientific Taxon Name = "Abies alba" and Identification Qualifier = "cf. species")') module-attribute #

state_province = Term(uri='', name='dwc:stateProvince', label='First Order Administrative Division', definition='The name of the next smaller administrative region than country (state, province, canton, department, region, etc.) in which the dcterms:Location occurs.', scope_note='Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names. Recommended best practice is to leave this field blank if the dcterms:Location spans multiple entities at this administrative level or if the dcterms:Location might be in one or another of multiple possible entities at this level. Multiplicity and uncertainty of the geographic entity can be captured either in the term dwc:higherGeography or in the term dwc:locality, or both.') module-attribute #

taxonomic_class = Term(uri='', name='dwc:class', label='Class', definition='The full scientific name of the class in which the dwc:Taxon is classified.') module-attribute #

top_3_accuracy = Term(name='soundevent_metrics:top3Accuracy', label='Top 3 Accuracy', definition='The proportion of samples where the true class is in the top 3 predicted classes.') module-attribute #

true_class_probability = Term(name='soundevent_metrics:trueClassProbability', label='True Class Probability', definition='The model probability assigned to the true class.') module-attribute #
