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Schemas for Whombat data models.

The Whombat Python API returns these schemas to the user, and they are the main way that the user interacts with the data.

Schemas are defined using Pydantic, and are used to validate data before it is inserted into the database, and also to validate data before it is returned to the user.

Most database models have multiple schemas, a main schema that is used to return data to the user, and a create and update schema that is used to validate data before it is inserted into the database.


Scale = Literal['amplitude', 'power', 'dB'] module-attribute

Window = Literal['boxcar', 'triang', 'bartlett', 'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackman', 'blackmanharris', 'nuttall', 'barthann', 'hamming', 'hann', 'kaiser'] module-attribute



Bases: BaseModel

Parameters for amplitude clamping.

clamp: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether to clamp amplitude values.

max_dB: float = 0 class-attribute instance-attribute

Maximum amplitude value.

min_dB: float = -100.0 class-attribute instance-attribute

Minimum amplitude value.

normalize: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether to normalize spectrogram before amplitude scaling.

If True, the spectrogram will be normalized to the range [0, 1] before amplitude scaling. In particular dB values are relative to the maximum amplitude value in the spectrogram, and not the maximum possible amplitude value of the recorder.

This can have the effect of making the spectrogram appear noisier than it actually is, since the maximum amplitude value in the spectrogram may be much lower than the maximum possible amplitude value of the recorder.

Also, when visualizing spectrograms in clips, the amplitude scale will be relative to the maximum amplitude value in the clip, and not the maximum of the recording as a whole. This can make it difficult to compare amplitude levels across clips, and will create artificial seams between clips when visualizing spectrograms in recordings.

scale: Scale = 'dB' class-attribute instance-attribute

Scale to use for spectrogram computation.

check_db_are_negative(value) classmethod

Check that min_dB and max_dB are non positive.


Check that min_dB is less than max_dB.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for an annotation project.

annotation_instructions: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Project instructions for annotating.

description: str instance-attribute

A description of the annotation project.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Database ID of the annotation project.

name: str instance-attribute

Name of the annotation project.

tags: list[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Tags to be used throughout the annotation project.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

UUID of the annotation project.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating an annotation project.

annotation_instructions: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Project instructions for annotating.

description: str instance-attribute

A description of the annotation project.

name: str instance-attribute

Name of the annotation project.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating an annotation project.

annotation_instructions: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Project instructions for annotating.

description: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

A description of the annotation project.

name: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Name of the annotation project.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for a task status badge.

state: AnnotationState instance-attribute

State of the task.

user: SimpleUser | None instance-attribute

User to whom the status badge refers.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating a task status badge.

state: AnnotationState | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

State of the task.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for a task.

clip: Clip instance-attribute

Clip of the task.

clip_annotation: ClipAnnotation instance-attribute

Clip annotation for the task.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Database ID of the task.

status_badges: list[AnnotationStatusBadge] instance-attribute

Status badges for the task.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

UUID of the task.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating a new task.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating a task.

uuid: UUID | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute


Bases: ResamplingParameters, FilteringParameters

Parameters for audio loading.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for Clip objects returned to the user.

end_time: float instance-attribute

The end time of the clip.

features: list[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

The features associated with the clip.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The database id of the clip.

recording: Recording instance-attribute

Recording information for the clip.

start_time: float instance-attribute

The start time of the clip.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

The unique identifier of the clip.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for an ClipAnnotation.

clip: Clip instance-attribute

Clip this annotation is attached to.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Database ID of this annotation.

notes: list[Note] = Field(default_factory=list, description='Notes attached to this annotation.') class-attribute instance-attribute
sound_events: list[SoundEventAnnotation] = Field(default_factory=list, description='Annotated sound events attached to this clip.') class-attribute instance-attribute
tags: list[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list, description='Tags attached to this annotation.', alias_priority=10000) class-attribute instance-attribute
uuid: UUID instance-attribute


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for data required to create an ClipAnnotation.

tags: list[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for an ClipAnnotationTag.

created_by: SimpleUser | None instance-attribute

User who created this annotation tag.

tag: Tag instance-attribute

Tag attached to this annotation.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for data required to update an ClipAnnotation.

uuid: UUID | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

UUID of the annotation.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating a clip.

end_time: float instance-attribute

The end time of the clip.

start_time: float instance-attribute

The start time of the clip.


Validate that start_time < end_time.


Bases: BaseSchema

clip_annotation: ClipAnnotation instance-attribute

Clip annotation used for the evaluation.

clip_prediction: ClipPrediction instance-attribute

Clip prediction being evaluated.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Database ID of the evaluation.

metrics: list[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Evaluation metrics.

score: float instance-attribute

Overall score of the evaluation.

sound_event_evaluations: list[SoundEventEvaluation] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

The evaluation of the sound events within the clip.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

UUID of the Clip Evaluation.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating a new Clip Evaluation.

score: float instance-attribute

Overall score of the evaluation.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating an existing Clip Evaluation.

score: float | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Overall score of the evaluation.

uuid: UUID | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

UUID of the Clip Evaluation.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for a clip prediction.

clip: Clip instance-attribute

Clip to which this prediction belongs.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Database ID of the prediction.

sound_events: list[SoundEventPrediction] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Sound event predictions of the clip.

tags: list[ClipPredictionTag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Tags of the prediction.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

UUID of the prediction.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating a new clip prediction.

tags: list[PredictedTag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Tags of the prediction.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for a clip prediction tag.

score: float instance-attribute

Confidence of the prediction.

tag: Tag instance-attribute

Tag of the prediction.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating a clip prediction.

uuid: UUID | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

UUID of the prediction.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating a clip.

uuid: UUID | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The unique identifier of the clip.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for Dataset objects returned to the user.

audio_dir: Path instance-attribute

The path to the directory containing the audio files.

description: str | None instance-attribute

The description of the dataset.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The database id of the dataset.

name: str instance-attribute

The name of the dataset.

recording_count: int = 0 class-attribute instance-attribute

The number of recordings in the dataset.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

The uuid of the dataset.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for Dataset objects created by the user.

audio_dir: DirectoryPath instance-attribute

The path to the directory containing the audio files.

description: str | None = Field(None) class-attribute instance-attribute

The description of the dataset.

name: str = Field(..., min_length=1) class-attribute instance-attribute

The name of the dataset.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for DatasetFile objects returned to the user.

path: Path instance-attribute

The path to the file.

state: FileState instance-attribute

The state of the file.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for DatasetRecording objects returned to the user.

path: Path instance-attribute

The path to the recording in the dataset directory.

recording: Recording instance-attribute

The uuid of the recording.

state: FileState = Field(default=FileState.REGISTERED) class-attribute instance-attribute

The state of the file.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for DatasetRecording objects created by the user.

path: Path instance-attribute

The path to the recording in the dataset directory.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for Dataset objects updated by the user.

audio_dir: DirectoryPath | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The path to the directory containing the audio files.

description: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The description of the dataset.

name: str | None = Field(default=None, min_length=1) class-attribute instance-attribute

The name of the dataset.


Bases: BaseSchema

Evaluation schema.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Dataset identifier of the evaluation.

metrics: list[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

List of metrics of the evaluation.

score: float instance-attribute

Overall score of the evaluation.

task: str instance-attribute

Task of the evaluation.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute


Bases: BaseModel

Evaluation creation schema.

score: float = Field(default=0, ge=0, le=1) class-attribute instance-attribute

Overall score of the evaluation.

task: str instance-attribute

Task of the evaluation.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for EvaluationSet objects returned to the user.

description: str | None instance-attribute

The description of the evaluation set.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The id of the evaluation set.

name: str instance-attribute

The name of the evaluation set.

tags: list[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

The tags to use for the evaluation set.

task: str instance-attribute

The name of the task the evaluation set is used for.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

The uuid of the evaluation set.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating EvaluationSet objects.

description: str | None = Field(default=None) class-attribute instance-attribute

The description of the evaluation set.

name: str = Field(..., min_length=1) class-attribute instance-attribute

The name of the evaluation set.

task: str = Field(..., min_length=1) class-attribute instance-attribute

The name of the task the evaluation set is used for.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating EvaluationSet objects.

description: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The description of the evaluation set.

name: str | None = Field(default=None, min_length=1) class-attribute instance-attribute

The name of the evaluation set.


Bases: BaseModel

Evaluation update schema.

score: float | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Overall score of the evaluation.

task: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Task of the evaluation.

uuid: UUID | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Unique identifier of the evaluation.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for Feature objects returned to the user.

model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes=True) class-attribute instance-attribute
name: str instance-attribute

The name of the feature.

value: float instance-attribute

The value of the feature.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for FeatureName objects returned to the user.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The database id of the feature name.

name: str instance-attribute

The name of the feature.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for FeatureName objects created by the user.

name: str instance-attribute

The name of the feature.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for FeatureName objects updated by the user.

name: str instance-attribute

The name of the feature.


Bases: Enum

The state of a file in a dataset.

Datasets can contain files that are not registered in the database. This can happen if the file was added to the dataset directory after the dataset was registered. Additionally, files can be registered in the database but missing from the dataset directory. This can happen if the file was removed from the dataset directory after the dataset was registered.

The state of a file can be one of the following:

  • missing: The file is not registered in the database and is missing.

  • registered: The file is registered in the database and is present.

  • unregistered: The file is not registered in the database but is present in the dataset directory.

MISSING = 'missing' class-attribute instance-attribute

If the recording is registered but the file is missing.

REGISTERED = 'registered' class-attribute instance-attribute

If the recording is registered and the file is present.

UNREGISTERED = 'unregistered' class-attribute instance-attribute

If the recording is not registered but the file is present.


Bases: ModelRunCreate

Schema of a model run as returned to the user.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The database identifier of the model run.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

The unique identifier of the model run.


Bases: BaseSchema

Model Run creation schema.

description: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

A description of the model used to generate the model run.

name: str instance-attribute

Name of the model used to generate the model run.

version: str instance-attribute

Version of the model used to generate the model run.


Bases: BaseSchema

Model Run update schema.

description: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The description of the model used to generate the model run.

name: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The name of the model used to generate the model run.

version: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The version of the model used to generate the model run.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for Note objects returned to the user.

created_by: SimpleUser | None instance-attribute

The user who created the note.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The database id of the note.

is_issue: bool instance-attribute

Whether the note is an issue.

message: str instance-attribute

The message of the note.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

The uuid of the note.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating notes.

This schema is used when creating notes from the API as the user does not need to provide the id of the user who created the note.

is_issue: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute
message: str = Field(min_length=1, max_length=1000) class-attribute instance-attribute


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating notes.

is_issue: bool | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether the note is an issue.

message: str | None = Field(None, min_length=1, max_length=1000) class-attribute instance-attribute

The message of the note.


Bases: BaseModel, Generic[M]

A page of results.

items: Sequence[M] instance-attribute
limit: int instance-attribute
offset: int instance-attribute
total: int instance-attribute


Bases: BaseModel

Plugin information.

attribution: str | None = Field(default=None, description='Plugin attribution.') class-attribute instance-attribute
description: str | None = Field(default=None, description='Plugin description.') class-attribute instance-attribute
name: str = Field(..., description='Plugin name.') class-attribute instance-attribute
thumbnail: str | None = Field(default=None, description='Plugin thumbnail.') class-attribute instance-attribute
url: str = Field(..., description='Route to the plugin pages.') class-attribute instance-attribute
version: str | None = Field(default=None, description='Plugin version.') class-attribute instance-attribute


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for PredictedTag objects returned to the user.

score: float instance-attribute

The confidence score for the assignment of the tag.

tag: Tag instance-attribute

The tag that was predicted.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for Recording objects returned to the user.

channels: int instance-attribute

The number of channels in the audio file.

date: | None instance-attribute

The date of the recording.

duration: float instance-attribute

The duration of the audio file in seconds.

This is the duration of the original audio file, not the time expanded version. This can vary depending on the time expansion factor. If the stored file has a duration of 10 seconds and a time expansion factor is 2, this means that the original recording was 5 seconds long. So the duration of the original recording is 5 seconds, not 10.

features: list[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

The features associated with the recording.

hash: str instance-attribute

The md5 hash of the audio file.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The database id of the recording.

latitude: float | None instance-attribute

The latitude of the recording.

longitude: float | None instance-attribute

The longitude of the recording.

notes: list[Note] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

The notes associated with the recording.

owners: list[SimpleUser] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

The users that own the recording.

path: Path instance-attribute

The path to the audio file, relative to the audio directory.

rights: str | None instance-attribute

A text describing the usage rights of the recording.

samplerate: int instance-attribute

The sample rate of the audio file in Hz.

This is the sample rate of the original audio file, not the time expanded version. This can vary depending on the time expansion factor. If the stored file has a sample rate of 44100 Hz and a time expansion factor is 2, this means that the original recording had a sample rate of 88200 Hz. So the sample rate of the original recording is 88200 Hz, not 44100 Hz.

tags: list[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

The tags associated with the recording.

time: datetime.time | None instance-attribute

The time of the recording.

time_expansion: float instance-attribute

The time expansion factor of the recording.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

The UUID of the recording.


Bases: BaseModel

Data for Recording creation.

date: | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The date of the recording.

latitude: float | None = Field(default=None, ge=-90, le=90) class-attribute instance-attribute

The latitude of the recording.

longitude: float | None = Field(default=None, ge=-180, le=180) class-attribute instance-attribute

The longitude of the recording.

path: FilePath instance-attribute

The path to the audio file.

rights: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

A text describing the usage rights of the recording.

time: datetime.time | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The time of the recording.

time_expansion: float = Field(default=1.0, gt=0) class-attribute instance-attribute

The time expansion factor of the recording.


Validate that the given path is an audio file.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for RecordingTag objects.

recording_uuid: UUID instance-attribute

The UUID of the recording.

tag: Tag instance-attribute

The tag associated with the recording.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for Recording objects updated by the user.

date: | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The date of the recording.

latitude: float | None = Field(default=None, ge=-90, le=90) class-attribute instance-attribute

The latitude of the recording.

longitude: float | None = Field(default=None, ge=-180, le=180) class-attribute instance-attribute

The longitude of the recording.

path: FilePath | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

New path to the audio file.

rights: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

A text describing the usage rights of the recording.

time: datetime.time | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

The time of the recording.

time_expansion: float | None = Field(default=None, gt=0) class-attribute instance-attribute

New time expansion factor of the recording.


Bases: BaseModel

Parameters for STFT computation.

hop_size: float = Field(default=0.5, gt=0.0, le=1.0) class-attribute instance-attribute

Hop size as a fraction of window size.

window: Window = 'hann' class-attribute instance-attribute

Window function.

window_size: float = 0.025 class-attribute instance-attribute

Size of FFT window in seconds.

check_positive(value) classmethod

Check that window size and hop size are positive.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for User objects returned to the user.

email: EmailStr | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute
id: uuid.UUID instance-attribute
is_active: bool | None = False class-attribute instance-attribute
is_superuser: bool | None = False class-attribute instance-attribute
is_verified: bool | None = False class-attribute instance-attribute
name: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute
username: str instance-attribute


Bases: BaseSchema

Public schema for handling sound events.

features: list[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

The features associated with the sound event.

geometry: Geometry = Field(..., discriminator='type') class-attribute instance-attribute
geometry_type: GeometryType instance-attribute
id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The id of the sound event.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

The uuid of the sound event.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for an SoundEventAnnotation.

created_by: SimpleUser | None instance-attribute

User who created this annotation.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Database ID of this annotation.

notes: list[Note] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Notes attached to this annotation.

sound_event: SoundEvent instance-attribute

Sound event this annotation is attached to.

tags: list[Tag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Tags attached to this annotation.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

UUID of this annotation.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for data required to create an SoundEventAnnotation.

geometry: Geometry = Field(..., discriminator='type') class-attribute instance-attribute

Geometry of this annotation.

tags: list[TagCreate] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Tags attached to this annotation.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for a SoundEventAnnotationTag.

created_by: SimpleUser | None instance-attribute

User who created this annotation.

tag: Tag instance-attribute

Tag attached to this annotation.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for data required to update an SoundEventAnnotation.

geometry: Geometry = Field(..., discriminator='type') class-attribute instance-attribute

Geometry of this annotation.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for SoundEvent objects created by the user.

geometry: Geometry = Field(..., discriminator='type') class-attribute instance-attribute

The geometry of the sound event.

geometry_type: GeometryType property

Return the type of geometry used to mark the sound event.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for a sound event evaluation.

affinity: float instance-attribute

Affinity of the match between the source and target.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Database ID of the evaluation.

metrics: list[Feature] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Evaluation metrics.

score: float instance-attribute

Overall score of the evaluation.

source: SoundEventPrediction | None instance-attribute

Source sound event prediction.

target: SoundEventAnnotation | None instance-attribute

Target sound event annotation.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating a new sound event evaluation.

affinity: float instance-attribute

Affinity of the match between the source and target.

score: float instance-attribute

Overall score of the evaluation.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for updating a sound event evaluation.

affinity: float | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Affinity of the match between the source and target.

score: float | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Overall score of the evaluation.

uuid: UUID | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

UUID of the Sound Event Evaluation.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for a sound event prediction.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Database ID of the prediction.

score: float instance-attribute

Overall score of the prediction.

sound_event: SoundEvent instance-attribute

Sound event to be predicted.

tags: list[SoundEventPredictionTag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute

Tags of the prediction.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

UUID of the prediction.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating a new sound event prediction.

geometry: Geometry = Field(..., discriminator='type') class-attribute instance-attribute

Geometry of this sound event prediction.

score: float instance-attribute

Overall score of the prediction.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for a sound event prediction tag.

score: float instance-attribute

Score of the tag.

tag: Tag instance-attribute



Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating a sound event prediction.

score: float | None instance-attribute

Overall score of the prediction.

uuid: UUID | None instance-attribute

UUID of the prediction.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for SoundEvent objects updated by the user.

geometry: Geometry = Field(..., discriminator='type') class-attribute instance-attribute

The geometry of the sound event.


Bases: STFTParameters, AmplitudeParameters

Parameters for spectrogram computation.

channel: int = 0 class-attribute instance-attribute

Channel to use for spectrogram computation.

cmap: str = 'gray' class-attribute instance-attribute

Colormap to use for spectrogram.

pcen: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether to apply PCEN for de-noising.


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema for Tag objects returned to the user.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

Database ID of the tag.

key: str instance-attribute

Key of the tag.

value: str instance-attribute

Value of the tag.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for creating Tag objects.

key: str = Field(min_length=1, max_length=255) class-attribute instance-attribute

Key of the tag.

value: str = Field(min_length=1, max_length=255) class-attribute instance-attribute

Value of the tag.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating Tag objects.

key: str | None = Field(default=None, min_length=1, max_length=255) class-attribute instance-attribute

Key of the tag.

value: str | None = Field(default=None, min_length=1, max_length=255) class-attribute instance-attribute

Value of the tag.


Bases: BaseUser[UUID]

Schema for User objects returned to the user.

created_on: datetime.datetime instance-attribute
name: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute
username: str instance-attribute


Bases: BaseUserCreate

Schema for User objects created by the user.

name: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute
username: str instance-attribute


Bases: BaseSchema

Schema of a user run as returned to the user.

id: int = Field(..., exclude=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

The databset identifier of the model run.

user: SimpleUser instance-attribute

The user who created the user run.

uuid: UUID instance-attribute

Unique identifier of the user run.


Bases: BaseModel

Model Run creation schema.


Bases: BaseModel

Schema for updating a user run.

uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute

Unique identifier of the user run.


Bases: BaseUserUpdate

Schema for User objects updated by the user.

name: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute
username: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute