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Data Exploration

Whombat provides diverse tools for exploring the data you've meticulously worked on. Below, we'll introduce three key exploration avenues:

  1. Recordings
  2. Audio Clips
  3. Sound Events

To access the exploration section, click on the "Exploration" button on the sidebar or utilize the navigation cards on the home page. Once in the exploration section, choose your preferred exploration type.


Explore and search through all the recordings registered in Whombat. Utilize the search bar or filters to narrow down the displayed recordings. A list of recording spectrograms is presented for swift browsing.

Audio Clip

In the Audio Clips section, spectrograms are showcased in a Gallery view, allowing simultaneous viewing of multiple clips. Employ filtering tools to choose specific clips for examination.

Sound Events

Navigate individual sound events in this section, opting for either the Gallery view or the Scatter Plot view. The gallery displays each sound event's spectrogram, while the scatterplot provides a 3D representation. Each dot represents a sound event, with coordinates based on three acoustic features—defaulting to duration, bandwidth, and lowest frequency. Click on a point in the scatterplot to view the corresponding spectrogram of the sound event.


Our commitment to enhancing exploration tools will offer you even greater insights into your data. Stay tuned for updates!